Program of Holy Week in Lorca

Year 2023

It celebrates: From 28th March to 31st March
Place: Lorca (Murcia)

Immerse yourself in Holy Week in Lorca and discover the impressive "pasos" carried on the shoulders of the brotherhood members, the emotional performances of the cuadrillas, and the competition between brotherhoods. An experience that will not leave you indifferent.

Program of Holy Week in Lorca

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Holly Week in Lorca 2023

In Lorca, the most outstanding parades take place on four days: Friday of Sorrows, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. However, the most impressive processions are those of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, known as the "Cortejo Bíblico".

These processions depict the Old and New Testament, with biblical, historical and mythological characters and events, as well as figures such as Cleopatra, Mohammed, Nero, Nebuchadnezzar and culminating with the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. The parades are made up of horses, chariots and allegorical floats that add to the drama of the story.

The processions take place on the Avenida Juan Carlos I, known as the main street, which is laid out with sand for the comfort of the animals and chariots. The "chairs" or grandstands are located here so that spectators can enjoy the spectacle live, but they must be purchased in advance from the Paso Blanco or Paso Azul brotherhoods.

The secondary race runs along the streets of Lope Gisbert and its surroundings, where the different brotherhoods join together to "enter" the main race. There are no chairs in these streets and the brotherhoods form the procession.

In addition to the biblical processions, there are also traditional processions in the oldest quarters of the city with lanterns and music, such as the Procession of the Curia on Passion Saturday (Paso Negro), the Penitential Descent of Stmo. Cristo de la Misericordia on Holy Wednesday (Paso Morado), Procession of Silence on Maundy Thursday evening (Paso Encarnado), Penitential Procession of the Way of the Cross on Good Friday morning (Paso Morado) and Procession of the Risen Christ on Easter Sunday (Archconfraternity of the Risen Christ).

Before the biblical processions, a procession accompanied by drums and bugles leaves the headquarters of the Paso Blanco and Paso Azul. Hundreds of brotherhoods gather the flags of their Paso while their characteristic hymns are played: "El Tres" for the Paso Blanco and "Las Caretas" for the Paso Azul, starting the procession.

In addition, two special serenades are held in honour of the Virgen de los Dolores (Paso Azul) at midnight on Thursday to Friday of Dolores in the Church of San Francisco, and the Virgen de la Soledad (Paso Encarnado) on Holy Wednesday in the Church of San Cristóbal.

Another outstanding event is the Via Crucis of the Paso Morado, which takes place during the dawn and morning of Good Friday on Mount Calvary (BIC). This monumental complex is distinguished by the beauty of its chapels and the impressive views of the castle and the city.

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