Program of Salinas Moors and Christians Festivities
Year 2024
Discover the Salinas Moors and Christians Festivities and experience the excitement of three troupes: Contrabandistas, Pirates, and Moros Laguneros. Enjoy parades, live music, and folk dances in honor of the Virgin of the Rosary. A unique experience filled with tradition and color.

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At 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Auditorium, CELEBRATION MUSIC CONCERT, performed by the Salinas Music Band.
At 9:00 p.m., in the Plaza de España, with the following program:
Presentation of CAPTAINS 2024.
HOLIDAY PREGION by Mr. José María Íñiguez Delegido.
The event will end with the farewell of the Crier 2024, Captains and Presidents of the three Comparsas.
At 11:45 p.m., concentration in the Plaza de España. Next, ENTRAETA through the streets: Colón, Nicaragua, Plaza San Isidro, Avda. de la Libertad, Doctor Segura and Plaza de España, ending at the door of the City Hall at 2:00 a.m.
At 6:30 p.m., COMMEMORATIVE PARADE of the 50th anniversary of the Pirate Comparsa. The parade will start from the Plaza de San Isidro along Avenida de la Libertad, Doctor Segura, Pinto Juan Gabriel Barceló, Avenida de Villena, Antonio Machado, ending in the Plaza de España.
At 8:00 a.m., general ringing of the bells that announces the beginning of the PILGRIMAGE OF SAN ISIDRO, accompanied by pasta and mistela.
At 09:00 a.m. XIV Sierra de Salinas Mountain Race 2024 from the Hermitage of San Isidro.
At 09:30 a.m. XIV Mountain March Sierra de Salinas 2024 from the Hermitage of San Isidro.
At 08:30 a.m. departure in pilgrimage from the door of the Church to the Hermitage of San Isidro, accompanied by the drum band of the Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament.
At 10:30 a.m. Inflatables for all children on the esplanade of the Ermita parking lot.
At 11:15 a.m. Awards ceremony for the XIV Sierra de Salinas Mountain Race 2024.
At 12:00 p.m. Campaign mass.
At 2:00 p.m. Giant Paella on the Ermita esplanade including 1 drink.
At 5:00 p.m. Descent of the Saint to the Church, carrying the image of San Isidro the Comparsa de Moros Laguneros.
There will be bar service throughout the day.
At 10:00 p.m. in the Events Hall next to the gas station, CELEBRARY DINNER offered by the Hon. City Council and the Festival Department for all PARTY MEMBERS of Salinas. (Tickets will be nominative per member).
At 11:45 p.m., concentration in the warehouse next to the gas station and departure of the Flags of the three Comparsas towards the Plaza de España.
Upon arriving at the Plaza de España, the Presidents of the Comparsas, each carrying their Flag, will move to the center of the square, where they will give the Captains their corresponding Flag. Immediately afterwards, the WHEEL OF FLAG will begin under the strains of the National Anthem.
At the end of the FLAG WHEEL, the PARADE will begin, with the following itinerary: Plaza de España, Colón, Nicaragua, Avenida de la Libertad and Doctor Segura, ending in the Plaza de España at 02:00 h.
At 12:00 p.m., ENTRY OF MUSIC BANDS, from the Sax road (Clínica) to the Plaza de España. The Music Bands will be accompanied by the Flag and Pennant of each Comparsa, as will the Salinas Music Band. From the balcony of the City Hall, the Mayor will inaugurate the Festival and hand over the baton to the Mayor of the 2024 Festival.
Next, the Flags of the three Comparsas will be raised on the balcony of the City Hall to the strains of the National Anthem.
Next, each of the Music Bands will perform a work from their repertoire. At the end, all the properly formed and uniformed music bands will go to the center of the Plaza to perform in unison, the pasodoble “SALINAS EN FIESTAS”, directed by Mr. Francisco Callejas López, director of the Salinas Municipal Music School.
At the end, each of the Music Bands will accompany each of the Flags to their respective premises.
At 7:00 p.m., PARADE with the following route: Avenida Juan Carlos I, Carretera de Sax, Avenida de Villena, Antonio Machado and Plaza de España. The order of departure of the Comparsas will be: 7:00 p.m. Smugglers, 7:15 p.m. PIRATES and 7:30 p.m. LAGUNEROS MOORS.
At 11:45 p.m. concentration at the door of the Town Hall, where the three Comparsas will form with the same order of the afternoon parade and from there they will go to the Church, where, by the revelers, the GREETING TO OUR PATRON PATRONA THE VIRGIN OF THE ROSARY will be performed. Next, upon leaving the Church, along Doctor Segura Street and Avenida de la Libertad we will head towards Parada Street to witness the firing of a GREAT FIREWORKS CASTLE offered by PYROTECHNIA DEL MEDITERRANEO. Next, the three Comparsas will form on Maestro Serrano Street with the properly uniformed revelers, following the order of departure in the afternoon, beginning the RETRETA with the following itinerary: Avenida de laLibertad, Doctor Segura, Painter Juan Gabriel Barceló, Avenida de Villena, Antonio Machado, ending in the Plaza de España. Once the event is over, the three Comparsas will accompany the Captains, forming according to the order of departure of the RETRETA.
At 08:30 a.m., general ringing of bells and DIANA CON DESPERTÁ through different streets of the town.
At 12:00 p.m., concentration in the Church and subsequent EXALTATION to Our Patroness the Virgin of the Rosary with the following itinerary: Calle Colón, Picayo, La Balsa, Avenida de Guarinos, Maestro Serrano, Alicante, Doctor Fleming, Avenida de la Libertad, Doctor Segura and Plaza de España. The tour will be accompanied by a harquebucery and at the end of the tour, around 1:00 p.m., a GRAN MASCLETÁ will be fired in the Plaza de España, offered by PIROTECNIA DEL MEDITERRÁNEO.
At 6:15 p.m., MORA ENTRANCE, with the following route: Avenida Juan Carlos I, Carretera de Sax, Avenida de Villena, Antonio Machado and Plaza de España. The order of departure of the Comparsas will be: 6:15 p.m. MOROS LAGUNEROS, 6:30 p.m. Smugglers and 6:45 p.m. PIRATES.
Next, AMBASSADORS ENTRY and then the MORA EMBASSY, which will take place in the Plaza de España.
At the end of the Embassy, OFFERING OF FLOWERS to Our Patroness the Virgin of the Rosary, for which the Comparsas will gather in the Plaza de España with the following order of departure: LAGUNEROS MOORS, SMUGGLERS and PIRATES being the route through the streets Painter Juan Gabriel Barceló, Avenida de Villena, Antonio Machado, Plaza de España, ending at the Church.
At 00:30 a.m., GREAT VERBENA in the Plaza de España, with a performance by the LA MUNDIAL orchestra.
At 08:30 a.m., general ringing of bells and FLOWERED DIANA by the three Music Bands with the following itinerary: Plaza de España, Colón, Picayo, Avenida de la Libertad, Doctor Segura, Plaza de España, Pintor Juan Gabriel Barceló, Avenida de Villena, Antonio Machado, ending in the Plaza de España.
At 11:45 a.m., concentration in the Plaza de España, where, with Captains and Comparsistas, the Authorities will be collected from the City Hall.
At 12:00 p.m., HOLY MASS in honor of Our Patroness the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary, sung by the San Antonio Abad Choir accompanied by the Salinas Music Band.
At 6:30 p.m., CHRISTIAN ENTRANCE, with the following route: Avenida Juan Carlos I, Carretera de Sax, Avenida de Villena, Antonio Machado and Plaza de España. The departure order of the Comparsas will be: 6:30 p.m. PIRATES, 6:45 p.m. Smugglers and 7:00 p.m. LAGUNEROS MOORS.
Next, AMBASSADORS' ENTRY and then CHRISTIAN EMBASSY, which will take place in the Plaza de España.
At the end of the Embassy, SOLEMN PROCESSION with the image of Our Lady the Virgin of the Rosary, which will be carried by the Comparsa de MOROS LAGUNEROS, along the usual route. The starting order will be: PIRATES, SMUGGLERS AND LAGUNEROS MOORS.
At 08:30 a.m., general ringing of bells and DIANA CON DESPERTÁ through different streets of the town.
At 11:30 a.m., concentration at the doors of the Church and subsequent ascent of San Isidro Labrador towards the Plaza of the same name, carried by the Comparsa de MOROS LAGUNEROS, through the streets: Pintor Juan Gabriel Barceló, Avenida de Villena , Carretera de Sax, Avenida de la Libertad, Plaza de San Isidro, accompanied by a harquebucery.
Next in the Plaza de San Isidro CAMPAIGN MASS, sung by the San Antonio Abad de Salinas Choir. At the end of the mass, offering of fruits and return to the Parish through the streets: Avenida de la Libertad, Doctor Segura, Plaza de España, accompanied by a harquebucery.
At 6:30 p.m., PARADE, concentration in the Plaza de San Isidro with the following route: Plaza de San Isidro, Avenida de la Libertad, Doctor Segura. Painter Juan Gabriel Barceló, Avenida de Villena, Antonio Machado and Plaza de España. The order of departure of the Comparsas will be: MOROS LAGUNEROS, PIRATES and Smugglers. The Captains for the year 2025 will accompany the Flag of their corresponding Comparsa.
Next, POPULAR DANCES in the Plaza de España. At the end of the dances, in the Parish, the bands will be exchanged between the Captains of 2024 and those of 2025. From the Church, all the captains, carrying their Flags, and the general public, will move to the center of the Plaza of Spain where, under the strains of the National Anthem, the flags of the Comparsas will be lowered, closing the Moors and Christians Festival of 2024.