Program of Festes de Gràcia in Barcelona

Year 2023

It celebrates: From 15th August to 21st August
Place: Barcelona (Barcelona)

The Festes de Gràcia are celebrated with their identity sign more alive than ever, more than 23 streets are decorated to celebrate with locals and visitors one of the most colourful festivals in the city of Barcelona.

Program of Festes de Gràcia in Barcelona

More information:

Program of the Festa Major de Gràcia and activities 2023

Tuesday, August 15

Festa Major Morning Parade. From Plaça de la Vila. This year, during the Morning of the Festa Major, the presentation of the new festive figure will take place in Gràcia: El Bou de Gràcia.

  • 6.15 p.m.: the XXIII Parade of Popular Culture will also take place

Wednesday August 16

two plaques will be unveiled at Calle Verdi 81 and Calle Mozart 21 in recognition of the work of the dressmakers of these two streets.

Friday August 18

Walk of Giants

  • 8 p.m.: Pillar walk from Plaça del Sol to Plaça de la Vila.
  • 8.30 p.m.: castle day

Saturday August 19

  • The guest with the Giants of Gràcia and the Giants of Sallent.
    6 p.m.: Festa Major festival day, with the Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia, the Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls and the Xiquets de Reus. Plaça de la Vila de Gràcia

Monday August 21

  • 19.15 h: fire alarm

The Gràcia 2023 festivities honor the streets of Mozart and Verdi for their festive history
This year's Festa Major de Gràcia will have 23 streets decorated, the same as last year

Visits to the anti-aircraft shelter in Plaça Revolució

During the festivities there will be guided tours of the bomb shelter in Plaça Revolució. There will be visits limited to 15 people, with a duration of 30 minutes and a cost of €3. During the days of festivities, there will be an information desk in Plaça del Diamant, where reservations can be made and subsequently a reservation phone and email will be enabled for those interested in visiting the space during the rest of the day year. Information on times and days will also be provided on the History Workshop website.

Visits to the shelter in Plaça del Diamant and the Torre del Campanar will also be organized.

La Plaça del Folk 2023: concerts in Plaça del Sol

The CAT Tradicionàrius programs within the Festa Major de Gràcia, the Plaça del Folk, a reference space within the wide program of the Festivals. This year, the 19th edition with a program of activities around traditional roots music that will take place in Plaça del Sol from August 15 to 21, 2023.
Concerts for the 2023 Gràcia festivities

Tuesday, August 15

  • 10.30 pm: FETUS concert, La Serra dels perduts
  • 00.00 h: PD ROS

Wednesday August 16

  • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Traditional games
  • 7 pm: Show for all audiences AMBAUKA, Peti qui peti!
  • 10.35 pm: Kabum
  • 11 pm: Concert BALKAN PARADISE ORCHESTRA, Catharsis
  • Thursday, August 17
  • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Traditional games
  • 7 pm: Dance workshop with Joan Codina
  • 9.15 pm: Kabum
  • 9.30 pm: EL ELEMENTS folk dance
  • 11.15 pm: Kabum
  • 11.30 p.m.: LA PORTÁTIL FM folk dance

Friday August 18

  • 12 pm: Show for all audiences LANDRY, Dare
  • 7 pm: Rumba and palms workshop by Arrels de Gràcia
  • 9.45 pm: Kabum
  • 10 p.m.: ARRELS DE GRÀCIA concert, La rumba de Barcelona
  • 11.45 pm: Kabum
  • 0 am: PD House Aboriginal

All the streets decorated at Festes de Gràcia 2023: What are the themes of the decorations?
Discover the decorations of all the streets decorated for this year's Festa Major de Gràcia

Saturday August 19

  • 7 pm: FOLKIDS show for all audiences
  • 10 p.m.: LA TROUPE concert, Ca l'Amparito
  • 0 am: PD Owl

Sunday August 20

  • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Traditional games
  • 11 a.m.: Advanced level glossary workshop (tenths) at the District headquarters
  • 1 p.m.: Glossed vermouth at the Gracios snail is organized by the Artichoke Heart Association
  • 5 p.m.: Glossary introduction workshop with Artichoke Heart at the District headquarters
  • 7 p.m.: Battle of Glosa
  • 9.45 pm: Kabum
  • 10 p.m.: Concert TESA AND JONATAN PENALBA, Rap d'Arrel
  • 11.45 pm: Kabum
  • 0 am: PD Catcallis

Monday, August 21, 2023

  • 6 pm: Tambourine workshop with NAMORALA PANDERETEIRAS
  • 8 p.m.: Exhibition concert with NAMORALA PANDERETEIRAS
  • 10 pm: ZESC Disconnect concert
  • 11.30 p.m.: Crow dance QUATREVENTS, Crow dance

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