Program of Irún Carnival
Year 2023
The Irun Carnival is celebrated with the best music, dance and fun. The streets are filled with people to see the comparsas and share the good vibes and the illusion of the party. The giants and big-heads are also present.

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Programme of the Irun Carnival 2023
11th February
- 19:00h: The CALDEREROS COMPARSA, organised by the Irungo Atsegiña, will set off from Alberto Anguera Square, going along Oiartzun Street, Hondarribia Street, Zubiaurre Street, Estación Street, Paseo de Colón, Fueros Street, Mayor Street and finishing in San Juan Square.
12th February
08:30h: In the streets of the centre and the old town, SPECIAL DIANA by Irungo Txistulari Taldea performing different tunes related to Carnival.
12:05h: From Santiago Street, the Comparsa de IÑUDES Y ARTZAIAK, organised by Eraiki Dantza Taldea, will set off along Escuelas Street, Iglesia Street, San Juan Square (stop), Mayor Street, Fueros Street, Paseo de Colón, Ensanche Square (where they will dance with the participation of the Municipal Conservatory of Music Band) to finish in Luis Mariano Street.
16th February
- 19:00h: The ZANPANTZAR Comparsa with the accompaniment of Pipers, Students from the Municipal Conservatory of Irun, Auntza Trikitrixa Taldea, Txingudi Dultzaineroak and Bidasoako Erraldoiak, will leave from the Plaza Alberto Anguera along Oiarzun Street, Hondarribia, Zubiaurre, Estación, Paseo de Colón to finish in the Plaza del Ensanche.
- 19:30h: Placing of the ZANPANTZAR in Ensanche Square and VALS DE GIGANTES, by Bidasoako Erraldoia.
17th February
- 20:00h: At the AMAIA KZ, PRESENTATION OF THE CARNIVAL 2022 COMPARISAS. Admission by invitation.
18th February
- 09:00h: RURAL CARNIVAL. Departure of ERAIKI DANTZA TALDEA which will go around the farmhouses of the Bidasoa and Behobia neighbourhoods.
- 09:30h: RURAL CARNIVAL. Departure of IBARLA MEAKA DANTZA TALDEA through the farmhouses of Meaka.
- 10:00h: RURAL CARNIVAL. Departure of TXORIMALOAK SOINU TALDEA through the hamlets of Anaka.
- 12:05h: The EUSKAL-HERRI INAUTERIA will set off from Pío XII Square along Serapio Múgica Street, Juan Arana, Luis Mariano, Ensanche Square, Paseo de Colón, Fueros Street, Mayor Street, to finish in San Juan Square.
- 17:00h: CARNIVAL PARADE, starting in Letxunborro Avenue, led by the ZANPANTZAR accompanied by the COMPARSAS, ending in Urdanibia Square.
- 20:30h: Around San Juan square MUSICAL ANIMATION by the Elektro-Txaranga BURRUNBA.
- 20:30h-23:30h: In the Ensanche Square DISKOFESTA.
19th February
- 09:00h: RURAL CARNIVAL. Departure of the group EGOIPAR MEAKA DANTZA TALDEA which will go round Meaka.
- 09:00h: RURAL CARNIVAL. Departure from Arbes Square of MEAKAKO ADIXKIDEAK DANTZA Taldea, which will go around the Meaka neighbourhood.
- 09:00h: RURAL CARNIVAL. Departure of KEMEN DANTZA TALDEA through the farmhouses of the Olaberria neighbourhood.
- 17:00h: POPULAR CARNIVAL PARADE, departing from Letxunborro Avenue and arriving at Plaza Urdanibia Street, with the participation of the ZANPANTZAR AND THE CARNIVAL COMPARTS.
21 February
- 19:30h: From the Plaza del Ensanche the procession of the Burial of the Sardine and Burning of the ZANPANTZAR will set off along Paseo de Colón, Fueros Street, Calle Mayor to finish in Plaza San Juan.