Program of Historical Reenactment of the Peace of the Alpujarras
Year 2023
It celebrates: From 11th May to 12th May
Place: Padules (Almería)
In the Alpujarra municipality of Padules, the surrender of the Moors to the troops of Don Juan de Austria is recreated. Visitors can immerse themselves in the Middle Ages due to the great characterisation of the event.

More information:
Program of the X Edition of the Peace of Las Alpujarras - 2023
Saturday May 6
- 10:30 – Parade of troops from the entrance of the town to the Church square, where they will be received by the authorities.
Musical performance of the 16th century by the Anonymous IV group. - 11:00 – Opening of camp and beginning of activities. Among others we will have:
Military exercises, pikes, fencing, training, etc.
Different chores and jobs of daily life in the 16th century (cooking, esparto grass, sewing, milking animals, healing herbs and oils, falconry, henna tattoos of our Moorish women, etc.)
All enlivened by the Anonymous IV musical group. - 11:30 – Reception of troops and show off for "D. Juan de Austria". Reading of the Bando de Santa Fe.
- 12:00 – Arrest of Moorish rebels in Caña de Hotura (Secanico la Virgen Street. This arrest can be seen from C/ El Río Y C/La Cañá).
- 12:30 – Children's Moorish games by Aben Humeya with the Illipula de Purchena Youth Association for all the children who visit us.
- 13:00 – Execution of the sentences that have been signed by "D.Juan De Austria" himself, to several soldiers of his troops, for crimes against the peace and quiet of the people of these Alpujarras.
- 14:00 – Closing of the camp
- 17:00. – Presentation of the book "El último morisco" by the writer Diego Ramos in the City Hall assembly hall.
- 17:30 – Opening of the camp.
- 18:00 – Exhibition of flights of birds of prey by the company Rancho Majanos Park.
- 19:00 – We continue with the daily and military life of the 16th century.
- 19:30 – Rebellion of the Moriscos in retaliation for the arrest of their own. This will lead to a fight between tercios and Moors.
- 20:00 – 16th century dance workshop with the Padules group.
- 20:30 – Closing of camp.
Sunday May 7
- 10:00 – Military parade. Tercio Commission "Don Juan de Austria" 3 Legion Spend Squad, War Band. Together with our Tercios (who are their ancestors).
- 10:30 – Opening of the camp. We will continue with daily life.
- 11:30 – Act of Reduction of the Moorish troops of Aben Aboo before D. Juan de Austria.
- 12:00 – Birds of prey flight exhibition with the company Rancho Majanos Park.
- 12:30 – 16th century dance workshop.
- 14:00 – Closing and closure of the camp.
The organization reserves the right to cancel or modify the programming.