Program of Festivities of the Virgin in Yecla
Year 2023
The Fiestas de la Virgen in Yecla are an ancestral tradition that you cannot miss. Come and discover this beautiful festivity of the people of Yecla in honour of the Immaculate Conception.

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Festivities of the Virgin of Yecla, declared of National Tourist Interest and Asset of Cultural Interest
5, 6, 7, 8 and third Sunday of December
The Festivities of the Virgin of Yecla were born in 1642 as a thank you to Our Lady of the Conception, venerated in the Hermitage of the Castle, on the occasion of the fortunate return to the Villa de Yecla of the sixty-one Yeclanos led by Martín Soriano Zaplana, quartered in Vinaroz for the War in Catalonia.
A popular and devotional event that is repeated every year in Yecla since that historic event.
In 1786, the Ordinances governing the celebrations were approved, whose festive ritual has survived over the centuries with the same essence and rigor of yesteryear, with the explosion of the harquebuses being the maximum representation of the gratitude and love of the Yeclano people. to the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the City.