Program of San Vicente Ferrer Festivities in Teulada

Year 2023

It celebrates: From 12th April to 23rd April
Place: Teulada (Alicante)

Come to Teulada and celebrate our patron saint festivities in honor of San Vicente Ferrer! Enjoy music, food, dancing, and fun in a traditional and welcoming atmosphere. We're waiting for you!

Program of San Vicente Ferrer Festivities in Teulada

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Festival Program of San Ferrer de Teulada 2023


  • 6:00 pm PASACALLE of the San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Festival Commission, accompanied by the "Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada", the "Colla el Falçó Associació de Dolçainers i Tabaleters de Teulada" and the "Colla La Llebetjà del Poble Nou de Benitatxell".
  • 7:00 p.m. VISIT TO THE ANA Mª ESPINÓS RESIDENCE to collect the small image of San Vicente that, previously, will have been uploaded from the Hermitage of Font Santa.
  • Next, TRANSFER OF THE IMAGE IN PILGRIMAGE by the Quintos de la Font Santa 2023 to the Hermitage of San Vicente Ferrer, where the BLESSING AND IMPOSITION OF MEDALS will proceed to the San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Festival Commission, by the Mayor, Raúl Llobell Signes and the Councilor for Festivals, Rosana Caselles Llobell.
  • 10:30 p.m. Visit the decorated streets of the town. The San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Festival Commission will tour the different streets giving residents coca maria courtesy of the "Forn Mónica" and mistela from the San Vicente Ferrer cooperative, accompanied by "dolçaina i tabalet".


  • 9:00 p.m. Gathering of the 2023 Festival Committee in Plaça dels Porxes. Parade from the Commission to the City Hall to pick up the authorities and later move to Plaza VIé Centenari. They will be accompanied by the "Agrupación Musical Cultural de Teulada", "Colla el Falçó Associació de Dolçainers i Tabaleters de Teulada" and the Municipal Music Association Santa Maria Magdalena de Benitatxell.
  • 10:00 p.m. In the VIé Centenari square, act of the CORONATION OF THE QUEENS OF THE SAN VICENTE PARTIES 2023: the girl VALENTINA PINO OLLER and the young woman, NEREA SAPENA SANDOVAL. After this act, in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento there will be a performance by the spectacular TITÀNIC orchestra on a stage truck. There will be a bar service in charge of the SVF 2024 Party Commission.


  • 08:30 a.m. WAKE UP with rockets by the 2023 Festival Committee and III PARTICIPATIVE DIANA OF PARTY START organized by "Colla el Falçó Associació de Dolçainers i Tabaleters de Teulada".
  • 09.30 h Concentration of the Children's Commission at the house of the Children's Queen, VALENTINA PINO OLLER.
  • 10.00 CACEROLADA for all the girls and boys of the Children's Commission and for all those who wish to join. We will leave Avda. Las Palmas to the Plaza de la Constitución. We will be accompanied by the batucada "Colp i Repic de Xaló".
  • 11:00 am The Children's Queen will open the morning of activities and CHILDREN'S PARK in the Plaza de la Constitución. We are waiting for all the boys and girls of the town.
  • From 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. LEMON WATER TIME, courtesy of "LA GELATERIA ARTESANA CA EL TRAMUSSER".
  • 2:00 p.m. Spectacular GLOBOTADA for children.
  • 5:30 p.m. HOLY MASS in the hermitage.
  • 6:30 p.m. OFFERING of flowers to San Vicente Ferrer. Concentration of all the people participating in the offering at c/ San Vicente Ferrer. Transfer to the Hermitage of San Vicente Ferrer accompanied by the "Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada", the "Colla el Falçó Associació de Dolçainers i Tabaleters de Teulada" and the "Colla La Llebetjà del Benitatxell", the Charanga "Contracant", the Charanga "L'espardenya" and the Charanga "Màmat i Calla". The itinerary will be led by the "Associació de Portadors Sant Vicente Ferrer". Upon arrival at the hermitage, the flowers that will dress the already traditional tapestry of San Vicente will be offered with the collaboration of the "Associació de les Mestresses de casa de Teulada". Maite Serrat Bertomeu will act as maintainer of the act.
  • *The San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Festival Commission invites the entire town to participate in this act to give it the solemnity it requires. We look forward to your participation. to the offering is a matter of all Teuladinos and Teuladinas.
  • 9:30 pm In Plaza VIé Centenari, traditional POPULAR DINNER FOR CLUBS, PEÑAS AND COMMISSIONES. The San Vicente Ferrer festival committee will give the AFA Teulada association €1 for each dinner ticket purchased. Older people are also our thing.
  • 00:00 In VIé Centenari square, performance by the great orchestra MONACO PARTY.


  • 08:00 a.m. WAKE UP with rockets by the San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Festival Commission.
  • 11:30 am PASACALLE of the girls and boys of the First Communion from the Hermitage of San Vicente Ferrer to the Church of Santa Caterina Mártir, accompanied by the "Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada".
  • 12:00 pm Celebration of the FIRST COMMUNION MASS sung by the "Cant Jove de Teulada".
  • 4:30 p.m. In the Paqui Oller Vila municipal pavilion, exciting BASKETBALL MATCH MEMORIAL JOSEP BUIGUES, of the Teulada Autonomous Senior Men against Actualia Alubasquet Alacant. The Queen and the President of Fiestas will perform the service honorary.
  • 7:30 p.m. Gathering of the 2023 Party Commission at the house of the Queen of Party. Then, accompanied by the "Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada", "Colla el Falçó Associació de Dolçainers i Tabaleters de Teulada" and the "Agrupació Músicomunicipal Santa Maria Magdalena de Benitatxell", they will pick up the local authorities and go to the Holy Church Catherine Martyr.
  • 8:00 pm Descent of the image of San Vicente Ferrer in PROCESSION to the hermitage. At the Saint's exit from the church, 21 salutes will be fired by the VULCANO pyrotechnics. When the Saint arrives at the hermitage, a bouquet of fireworks will be shot by the VULCANO pyrotechnics. Next, the joys and the hymn to our Patron will be sung. At the end, the holy MASS will be celebrated.
  • 10:30 p.m. Come and enjoy the Tribute to LINA MORGAN in the marquee in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
  • 11:30 p.m. Performance by the famous LA TRIBU orchestra on its 25th ANNIVERSARY with a spectacular staging that will surprise us all. Next, DJ performance until the body can take it.


  • 08:30 a.m. WAKE UP with rockets and music by the 2023 Fiestas Commission accompanied by the "El Contracant" brass band.
  • 09:00 Mass in the Parish Church.
  • 11:30 a.m. Gathering of the 2023 Festival Commission at the Queen's house, Nerea Sapena Sandoval. All together, accompanied by the "Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada" and the "Colla el Falçó Associació de Dolçainers i Tabaleters de Teulada", they will proceed to pick up the authorities and go to the hermitage.
  • 12:00 pm Solemn MASS in honor of San Vicente Ferrer presided over by the Preacher D. ERNESTO ARANDA CANET, and sung by the Teuladina Choir. Before the end of the mass, the people who will make up the San Vicente Ferrer 2024 Festival Commission will be appointed.
  • 2:00 p.m. Great MASCLETADA by the VULCANO pyrotechnics on Valencia street.
  • 5:00 p.m. Long game of VALENCIAN BALL on Calle San Vicente Ferrer, organized by the Teulada Ball Club.
  • There will be the presence of the Queen and the President of Fiestas to carry out the service of honor.
  • 6:30 p.m. Gathering of the 2023 Festival Committee at the Queen's house. Next, collection from the local authorities and transfer to the Hermitage of San Vicente Ferrer.
  • 7:00 pm Solemn PROCESSION of the image of San Vicente Ferrer from the hermitage to the church, accompanied by "The Teulada Musical Cultural Association", "La Colla el Falçó Association of Dolçainers and Tabaleters of Teulada", from the "Agrupació Musicalomunicipal Santa Maria Magdalena de Benitatxell" and the "Associació de Músics de Benissa". At the exit of the Saint, 21 salutes will be fired by the VULCANO pyrotechnics. During the procession, the "Grup de Danses Font Santa de Teulada" will perform before the image offering the musical piece "Ball de Bastons de Teulada".
  • At the end of the Raval, a FIREWORKS BOUQUET will be fired in honor of the Saint by the Vulcano pyrotechnics.

* The Fiestas Commission, in order to facilitate the proper organization of the procession, asks everyone to participate, go up to the end of the Raval and do not obstruct the route, if possible. Once the bouquet is finished, the procession will form again and will go down from the Raval to continue to the church.

  • Next, a magnificent FIREWORKS CASTLE will be shot by the VULCANO pyrotechnics at the BERNARDO FONT VALLÉS soccer field, you cannot miss it, it will be worth the wait.
  • 11:00 p.m. Magnificent SHOW with the performance of the musical tribute "ROCÍO DÚRCAL, JUAN GABRIEL and ALEJANDRO FERNÁNDEZ" in the tent of the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
  • 12:30 a.m. In VIé Centenari square, DLOCOS, a great musical tribute to the group El CANTO DEL LOCO. At the end, the act of delivery of the command rod to the MAYOR or MAYOR "BABAU" for the next day will proceed. Then prepare to dance without ceasing and have fun with the extraordinary orchestra MONTECARLO.

Tuesday April 18 - FLOATS

  • 08:30 a.m. WAKE UP with rockets by the 2023 Festival Committee
  • 11:30 a.m. Meeting of the Commission at the house of the President of Fiestas 2023, Jordi Ivars Oller. Accompanied by the "Agrupació Musical Cultural de Teulada", "Colla el Falçó Associació de Dolçainers y Tabaleters de Teulada", they will proceed to pick up the authorities and go to the hermitage.
  • 12.00 Solemn MASS in honor of San Vicente Ferrer presided over by the Preacher FRAY MARTÍN ALEXIS GONZÁLEZ GASPAR O.P. and sung by the Teuladina Choir.
  • At the end of the mass, the traditional KILOMETRIC TRACA will be fired, which will end with a spectacular AIR BOMBING on Avda. Saint Catherine. The tour will be by: ave. Las Palmas, c/ Alicante, c/ Maestro Mulet, Plaza de la Constitución and Avda. Santa Catalina, by the VULCANO pyrotechnics.
  • 5:00 p.m. Final of the SPORTS PIGEON COMPETITION.
  • 18.00 Great PARADE OF FLOATS AND COSTUMES from Avda. The Palmas accompanied by the brass bands "Máma't i Calla", "El Contracant", "L'Espardenya" and the "Agrupació Musical Festival de Xaló" to the Plaza del VIé Centenari. At the end, there will be the DELIVERY OF PRIZES corresponding to the floats, the SVF 23 Paddle Tournament, the pigeon contest and the street decoration in the VIé Centenari tent. Afterwards, we will give cokes to all the attendees while the party continues with the brass bands. Afterwards and non-stop, a great performance by the group LA MOCHA.
  • 10:30 p.m. Spectacular CORREFOC by "ELS DIMONIS DE MISLATA", you cannot miss it, it will surprise you. Then, for those who want to continue with the party, they can do it with the MACRODISCOMÓVIL KRAKATOA SHOW until the body lasts in VIé Centenari square.


  • 09:00 Mass in the Parish Church.
  • 11:00 Concentration of the Fiestas Commission and authorities in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Accompanied by the "Colla el Falçó Association of Dolçainers and Tabaleters of Teulada", they will move to the Hermitage of San Vicente.
  • 11:30 a.m. MASS in honor of the deceased sung by the Teuladina Choir.
  • 12:30 pm At the end of the mass, the 2023 Festival Committee and the local authorities WILL VISIT THE DAY CENTER FOR ALZHEIMER PATIENTS.
  • 1:00 pm The 2023 Festival Commission will offer a WINE of HONOR TO ALL THE PENSIONERS AND RETIRED PEOPLE of our town at the Social Center.
  • 4:00 pm In the tent set up in Plaça VIé Centenari CHILDREN'S SHOW: THE LUCKY SHOW, is he a magician? Will it be a singer? Will he be a juggler? In short, he is a GREAT ARTIST who comes to make us have a good laugh.
  • 6:00 p.m. INAUGURATION OF THE BULLFIGHTING VENUE by the San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Fiestas Commission.
  • 6:30 pm ENTRY OF ELEMENTS by the ElS COVES livestock along the following route: c/ San Buenaventura, c/ Valencia, c/ Canónigo Vallés and the bullfighting area.
  • 7:00 pm RELEASE OF ELEMENTS and FIRST AFTERNOON OF COMPETITION (5 cows and 1 bull) by the BENAVENT cattle farm. During the bullfights, the SVF 2024 Fiesta Commission will have a bar service.
  • 9:30 p.m. At the end of the afternoon bullfights, the San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Festival Commission will offer SAUSAGE for dinner to all the people who have previously signed up. (place to pick up: casal de los festeros). BEER will be distributed courtesy of BODEGAS BLASCO TEULADA.
  • 11.30 pm RELEASE OF ELEMENTS (5 cows) by the ELS COVES farm.
  • 01.00 am EMBOLATED BULL run by the ELS COVES ranch. The bull Emboladores "El Trençat" from Teulada will be embolled.

Thursday April 20 - DAY OF THE BULLS

  • 12:00 pm RELEASE OF ELEMENTS (5 cows and 1 bull) by LA TEMPLANZA cattle ranch
  • 5:00 p.m. Children's theater "LA FIESTA PIRATA", a fun show full of surprises where a very bad pirate will force his pirates to recruit new pirates to search for treasures, so all children will be subjected to all kinds of tests and songs , in the marquee of Plaça VIé Centenari, by Espectacles David (show included in the Campaign for the dissemination of Music and Theater of the Provincial Council of Alicante).
  • 6:30 p.m. ENTRY OF ELEMENTS by the ELS COVES livestock along the following route: c/ San Buenaventura, c/ Valencia, c/ Canónigo Vallés and the bullfighting area.
  • 7:00 pm RELEASE OF ELEMENTS AND SECOND AFTERNOON OF COMPETITION (5 cows and 1 bull) by the ELS COVES cattle farm. During the bullfights, the SVF 2024 Party Commission will have a bar service.
  • 9:30 p.m. At the end of the afternoon bullfights, the San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Fiestas Commission will offer TORTILLA WITH POTATOES for dinner to all the people who have previously signed up (place to pick up: casal de los festeros). BEER will be distributed courtesy of Industrias y Distribuciones Sevisal Teulada.
  • 11.30 pm RELEASE OF ELEMENTS (5 cows) by the PALOMA cattle farm.
  • 01.00 h TORO EMBOLADO by the PALOMA cattle ranch. The bull will be emboladores "El Trençat de Teulada".

Friday April 21 - BULLS DAY - ROCK NIGHT

  • 12:00 pm RELEASE OF ELEMENTS (5 cows and 1 bull) by the ELS COVES ranch
  • 4:00 p.m. In the Plaza de la Constitución, entrance of GIANT INFLATABLE BULLS and SUELTA DE CARRETONES with a bull, for the little ones.
  • 5:00 p.m. Exciting FOOTBALL MATCH at the Bernardo Font Field in which a team of Festeros SVF 2023 will participate against a team of veterans from Teulada. The Queen of Fiestas will carry out the service of honor accompanied by the President of Fiestas.
  • 6:30 p.m. ENTRY OF ELEMENTS by the ELS COVES livestock along the following route: c/ San Buenaventura, c/ Valencia, c/ Canónigo Vallés and the bullfighting area.
  • 7:00 pm RELEASE OF ELEMENTS and THIRD AFTERNOON OF COMPETITION (5 cows and 1 bull) in charge of LA PALOMA cattle ranch. During the bullfights the Fiestas Commission SVF 2024 will have bar service.
  • 9:30 p.m. At the end of the afternoon bullfights, the San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Fiestas Commission will offer COCAS for dinner to all the people who have previously signed up (place to reserve and pick up: the party house).
  • 11:30 p.m. RELEASE OF ELEMENTS (5 cows) by the BENAVENT cattle farm.
  • 01:00 a.m. EMBOLATED BULL run by the BENAVENT ranch. The Emboladores "El Trençat de Teulada" will embolase the bull.
  • 1:00 a.m. GREAT ROCK NIGHT with a performance by the groups: PUPIL·LES, AUXILI AND DJ TRAPELLA, in VIé Centenari square.

Saturday April 22 - DAY OF THE FIFTH

  • 09:00 a.m. WAKE UP with rockets by the San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Festival Commission.
  • 10:00 a.m. WAKE UP with music by the San Vicente Ferrer 2023 Festival Commission accompanied by the "Agrupació Musical Festival Xaló" and the "Mama't i Calla" brass band.
  • 11:30 a.m. At the Plaza de la Constitución tent, CHILDREN'S ATTRACTIONS, tattoo and face painting workshop.
  • 12.00 h CONCENTRATION OF FIFTH, PEÑAS and CLUBS in the Plaza de la Constitución. Accompanied by the "Agrupació Musical Festival Xaló" and the "Mama't i Calla" brass band, they will visit the older people of our town.
  • 12:30 pm TAPA I CAÑA by the SVF 2024 teachers.
  • 13.00 ONE WITH ANISE TENNIS. Do not miss CASALLA ON TOUR. At the rhythm of a pasodoble, the Queen and the President will toast accompanied by the entire SVF 2023 Party Commission.
  • 2:00 pm GIANT PAELLA cooked by Riquelme for all attendees. The meal will be enlivened by the "Agrupació Musical Festival Xaló" and the brass band "Maàma't i Calla".
  • 4:30 pm In VIé Centenari square, a fun evening with the great TOKYO BAND orchestra.
  • Then don't stay hungry to party and come to the REMEMBER PARTY at night with the performance of: KIKE JAEN, MÓNICA X and JOSÉ CUENCA.

Sunday April 23 - FESTIVAL END

  • 10:30 a.m. Release of elements by the ELS COVES livestock
  • 12:30 pm Tasting of the already traditional TAPA FESTERA in Plaza VIé Centenari, for the benefit of the San Vicente Ferrer 2024 Festival Commission
  • 12:30 pm Great performance of the musical "GISELA, THE VOICE OF DISNEY" in the marquee in the Plaza del VIé Centenari.
  • 5:00 p.m. Entry of elements in charge of the ELS COVES livestock
  • 5:30 p.m. Release of items by the winning herd of the BULLS CONTEST.
  • 8:00 p.m. Great musical for all audiences "OPERACIÓN HOMENAJE, EL MUSICAL", in Plaza VIé Centenari. Next, the San Vicente Ferrer 2024 Festival Commission will take over with the delivery of bouquets. And, to end the festivities, a FIREWORKS CASTLE will be fired in VIé Centenari square by the VULCANO pyrotechnics company.

Sunday April 30 - PILGRIMAGE In the "FONT SANTA"

  • 10.00h Concentration in the Hermitage of San Vicente Ferrer of the Festival Committees 2023 and 2024, accompanied by all those who want to participate in the PILGRIMAGE to LA FONT SANTA, the "Colla el Falçó Associació de Dolçainers i Tabaleters de Teulada" and the "Association of traginers Alejandro Morell". During the journey to the Font Santa, the MIRACLE OF THE "CREUETA" OF THE AVE MARÍA will be represented.
  • 12.00 pm In the Hermitage of the Font Santa, MASS in thanksgiving to Father San Vicente Ferrer sung by the "Cant Jove Teulada".

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