Program of San Isidro celebrations in Mula
Year 2023
Enjoy the traditions and culture of this festival with parades, processions, music and dance events, the Gachasmigas contest, and much more. An essential event to experience the essence of Mula and its people.

More information:
San Isidro de Mula Festival Program 2023
Lecture: Water and the orchard: a distinctive cultural heritage, given by José Antonio López Fernández, professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Murcia.
San Francisco Convent Refectory – 7:30 p.m.
San Isidro Festival and Folklore talks, given by the Peña Alegría Muleña in the Educational Centers.
Santa Clara School – 10 hours
Christ Crucified School – 12 hours
San Isidro Festival and Folklore talks, given by the Peña Alegría Muleña in the Educational Centers.
CEIP. Florentino Bayona c/ Jardín – 10 hours
CEIP. Anita Arnao – 12 hours
Porridge night
– Musical animation by the Charanga Los Kemaos. Cristóbal Gabarrón Park – 20 hours.
– Start of the gachasmigas contest. San Isidro Labrador Brotherhood. Cristóbal Gabarrón Park – 9 pm.
Prizes: €300, €200 and €100
Previous registration is required Mula Town Hall until Monday, May 8.
At the end of the gachasmigas contest, musical performances on the stage of Cristóbal Gabarrón Park:
– Jesús de Manuel and Dr. López in the Battle of Reggaeton.
– Symmetrical
– Musical session by DJ Jaro.
Traditional Music Performance
In charge of the Peña Huertana El Cuartillo, from Sangonera la Verde, and the Peña Los Muleñicos. Tent area – 21 hours.
Feast of San Isidro Labrador
– Huertana Mass in honor of San Isidro. Santo Domingo Parish – 10:30 a.m.
– Procession, once the mass is over. Tour through the streets Santo Domingo, Martín Perea, Jardín, Mártires, Ollerias, Emeterio Cuadrado, Boticas and Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Musical accompaniment by Peña Los Muleñicos, Peña Alegría Muleña and Cuadrilla Río Mula-Los Lucas.
– Donation of offerings to the Saint, blessing of the fields and awards of the gachasmigas contest (after the procession). Town Hall Square
- Float parade
6 p.m. Usual itinerary to Cristóbal Gabarrón Park.
Pre-registration at the Local Police offices until May 11
– Great night of concerts on the stage of Cristóbal Gabarrón Park, once the Parade of Floats has finished:
– David Andrew
–Guateque Club Band
– Musical session by DJ Gazebo
III Contest for decorating balconies, windows, building entrances, shops and hotels. Exaltation and embellishment of the environment with significant elements of the festivities in honor of San Isidro. Bases of both contests.
Tent decoration contest. Contest for ornamentation and decoration of the tents located in the Cristóbal Gabarrón park. The group of the carp that is the winner will obtain the refund of its payment (€200) courtesy of the company El Plan del Mono. The aesthetic, customary and traditional values that enhance the qualities of the festivities in honor of San Isidro Labrador, patron saint of the countryside and the orchard, will be taken into account.
Carriage decorating contest. A contest is called for the participating float best decorated with orchard scenes or elements. The aesthetic, customary and traditional values that serve to give greater visibility to the Parade of Floats will be taken into account. Prize of €200, granted by the Mula Town Hall.
Located in the Cristóbal Gabarrón Park. For children under 10 years of age.
Friday, May 12: from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Saturday, May 13: from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 9:00 p.m. to 02:00 a.m.
Sunday, May 14: from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
For parties free of harassment and aggression. Located in the Cristóbal Gabarrón park.
In the Cristobal Gabarrón Park toy library, bracelets will be given to boys and girls between the ages of 1 and 12 to facilitate their identification in the event that they become disoriented at times when there are large numbers of people during the festivities.
Information: Department of Sports (Mula Town Hall Ground Floor from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Phone: 968 63 75 10