Program of San Froilán Festivities

Year 2023

It celebrates: From 4th October to 12th October
Place: Lugo (Lugo)

In October, one of the most beautiful and colourful festivities of the Galician autumn is celebrated. We invite you to discover the festivities of San Froilán, the patron saint of Lugo.

Program of San Froilán Festivities

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Program of the 2023 San Froilán Festivals

Check the program by day

WEDNESDAY 4 october

  • 8.00 p.m. Proclamation by SONIA VILLAPOL SALGADO on the balcony of the Town Hall.
  • 8:30 p.m. The Pelúdez between us + Giants and Cabezudos + Cantigas and frores in the pregón, in Plaza Maior and Campo Castelo.
  • 9.00 p.m. Passarrúas of A Volta do Agro by Tineria, Nova street and Soidade square.
  • 9.00 p.m. LOU MARINI & RED HOUSE REVIVAL concert in Santa María square. At 8 p.m. Opening acts: Moondanal.
  • 9:30 p.m. IV ELECTRONIC MUSIC FEST with the performances of Dj Frisco & Marcos Peón + Yaser + Hugo Leivas + Juan Chousa, in the Mosqueira square from 9.30pm to 1.30am.
  • 9:30 p.m. Performance of the LOUBAND charanga in the historical area, wine area and Tineria.
  • 10.00 p.m. CAROLINA DURANTE concert in Horta do Seminario square. At 9 p.m. Opening acts: Berta Franklin.
  • 11.00 p.m. TRIQUELL concert in Santa María square.
  • 00.30 h. THE DUENDENETA in the square of Solitude.

THURSDAY 5 october

  • 10.00 a.m. II Traditional Lugo Pottery Fair (FOLT) in Santo Domingo Square (in front of Praza de Abastos) until 9:00 p.m.
  • 11.00 a.m. Antiques and collectibles fair in Rua da Raíña. all day
  • 12.00 p.m. Offering from the Corporation to San Froilán, in the Cathedral of Lugo.
  • 12.00 p.m. Passarrúas of Os Trastiños do Castelo by Albeiros and As Gándaras.
  • 12:30 p.m. WOOOW. Show for family audiences by TEATRO C´ART in Plaza Maior.
  • 12:30 p.m. Concert by AIRIÑOS DE ORBAZAI in Santa María square.
  • 12:30 p.m. The Pelúdez among us by the Plaza Maior and the fair grounds.
  • 1:00 p.m. THE MAGICAL SAN FROILÁN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: in Agro do Rolo square (A Milagrosa area).
  • 1:00 p.m. GUZMÁN GROUP concert in Mosqueira square.
  • 1:00 p.m. Passarrúas de Foliada de Bosende through Mártires de Carral square, Dinán and San Roque streets to Montirón.
  • 1:00 p.m. Passarrúas of Arrincadeira Folk through Recatelo, Puro Cora, Vila de Foz and fair grounds.
  • 1:30 p.m. Vermú session A DUENDENETA, side Town Hall/ square Anxo Fernández Gómez.
  • 5:30 p.m. WOOOW. Show for family audiences by TEATRO C´ART in Plaza Maior.
  • 6:00 p.m. THE MAGICAL SAN FROILÁN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD in Agro do Rolo square (A Milagrosa area). Passes at 18, 19.30 and 21h.
  • 6:00 p.m. Galician verbena from before. Participatory show with the performance of Airiños da Freba and bailador@s from Oxeito, songs for the blind, competition for strong men and women, Galician dance competition for couples and open workshop to learn the dances of the festival with Xabier Iglesias in Praza Maior (Templete).
  • 19.00 h. Passarrúas de Cántigas and Frores by Recatelo, Puro Cora and Fairgrounds.
  • 19.00 h. Passarrúas de Caivanca through Mártires de Carral square, San Pedro, Progreso, San Marcos and Rúa Nova.
  • 7:30 p.m. Passarrúas de Foliada de Bosende along Avenida da Coruña, from Medusa, through Viana do Castelo and Agro do Rolo squares.
  • 8.00 p.m. MONSTERSFLESH concert in Mosqueira square.
  • 8.00 p.m. Passarrúas de Nubeiro through Campo Castelo, San Pedro, Raíña and Santo Domingo.
  • 9.00 p.m. SHEGO concert in Santa María square.
  • 10.00 p.m. ELIÁDES OCHOA concert: 25 Years of Buena Vista Social Club in Horta do Seminario square. At 9 p.m. Opening acts: ABYA YALA.
  • 10.00 p.m. Verbena with the CINEMA + Cantantes Extraordinarios orchestra in the square of Aguas Férreas.
  • 11.00 p.m. DUPLA concert in Santa María square

FRIDAY 6 october

  • 10.00 a.m. II Traditional Lugo Pottery Fair (FOLT) in Santo Domingo Square (in front of Praza de Abastos) until 9:00 p.m.
  • 11.00 a.m. V Fair of Social Action Associations. Organized by FADAS Lugo. Presentation of projects, storytelling, workshops and music until 7pm.
  • 5.00 p.m. WOOOW. Show for family audiences by TEATRO C´ART in Praza da Soidade.
  • 6:00 p.m. Passarrúas de Reviravolta in the cattle parade in Praza Maior and Campo Castelo, Raíña and San Pedro.
  • 6:00 p.m. XI Traditional Cattle Parade of San Froilán. Route: pedestrian section of the wall circle, Plaza de la Constitución, Campo Castelo, Plaza Maior and Bispo Aguirre. With the performance of Reviravolta.
  • 8.00 p.m. Passarrúas de Airiños de Orbazai through the historic site.
  • 19.00 h. XVIII SANFROIDANCE with the performances of HIGH PAW + JULI GIULIANI + TOR4 vs FISHMAN + VICTOR SANTANA, from 7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. in Mosqueira square.
  • 7:30 p.m. WOOOW. Show for family audiences by TEATRO C´ART in Praza da Soidade.
  • 8:30 p.m. Passarrúas de Estoupacaldeiros through the historic site, wine area
  • 9.00 p.m. DE VACAS concert in Santa María square. At 8 p.m. Opening acts: Musel.
  • 10.00 p.m. HARD GZ concert in Horta do Seminario square. At 9 p.m. Opening acts: Verter GZ.
  • 11.00 p.m. THE RAPANTS + GALICIAN ARMY concert in Santa María square.
  • 11.00 p.m. Verbena with the ACORDES orchestra in Plaza Maior.
  • 00.30 h. Performance by the TROUPE FESTICULTORS around the historical site.

SATURDAY 7 october

  • 10.00 a.m. II Traditional Lugo Pottery Fair (FOLT) in Santo Domingo Square (in front of Praza de Abastos) until 9:00 p.m.
  • 11.00 a.m. San Froilán Tecedeiro in Rosalía de Castro park. Artisan exhibition and workshop for the construction of various artistic pieces with native materials, in which all those who wish can participate (Das 1h to 13.30h).
  • 11.00 a.m. Antiques and collectibles fair in Rua da Raíña. all day
  • 11.00 a.m. XXX Honey Fair. Until 9:00 p.m. in the square of Solitude. Candle workshop at 12.00. Soap and cosmetics making workshop with honey at 4:00 p.m.
  • 11.00 a.m. San Froilán Asociativo in Praza Maior (Temple area). From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • 12.00 p.m. XXI TRADITIONAL CULTURE FESTIVAL organized by the Cántigas e Frores Cultural Association, with performances by the Cántigas e Frores Cultural Association and the Donaire Cultural Association in Santa María square.
  • 12:30 p.m. Official reception to the Corporation of the Council of Ferrol in the plenary hall at the Town Hall.
  • 12:30 p.m. "Giraffes" by Xirriquiteula teatre. Traveling show for the whole family. Route; exit from San Froilán often on Avda Alcalde Anxo López Pérez, Bispo Aguirre, Praza Maior and Campo Castelo.
  • 12:30 p.m. Passarrúas of Son de Lugh through Campo Castelo and Plazas de la Constitución and Bretagne.
  • 1:00 p.m. THE MAGICAL SAN FROILÁN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: in the Camino Primitivo square.
  • 1:00 p.m. Passarrúas de Caivanca through Recatelo, Puro Cora, Vila de Foz and fair grounds.
  • 1:00 p.m. LUCUS ENSEMBLE concert in the Mosqueira square.
  • 5.00 p.m. San Froilán Tecedeiro in Rosalía de Castro park. Artisan exhibition and construction workshop of various artistic pieces with indigenous materials, in which all those who wish can participate (From 17:00 to 20:00).
  • 5:30 p.m. The Pelúdez visit the San Froilán Cemetery. Theatrical walk of 40 min duration.
  • 5:30 p.m. "Giraffes" by Xirriquiteula teatre. Traveling show for the whole family. Route; exit from San Froilán often on Avda Alcalde Anxo López Pérez, Bispo Aguirre, Praza Maior and Campo Castelo.
  • 6:00 p.m. THE MAGICAL SAN FROILÁN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD in Camiño Primitivo square. Passes at 18, 19.30 and 21h.
  • 6:30 p.m. Passarrúas de Xaora through Nova, Quiroga Ballesteros and Praza da Soidade streets.
  • 19.00 h. The Pelúdez among us. By the historical site.
  • 7:30 p.m. Performance of A Coruña with Lugo: Santa Comba de Veigue Galician Choir + Do LaDo Do Sol Association + Os Gaiteiriños Folk Group + Coitelodepau Association + Group of Tambourines of Cántigas da Terra da Coruña + Group Birloque Gaiteiros in Praza da Soidade.
  • 8.00 p.m. Concert of the MUSIC BAND SOUNDS AND DREAMS + CATRO CORES in the Mosqueira square.
  • 8.00 p.m. Passarrúas de Cántigas and Frores through the historic site, the wine area and Tinería.
  • 9.00 p.m. CATUXA SALOM concert in Santa María square.
  • 10.00 p.m. CIUDAD JARA concert in Horta do Seminario square. At 9 p.m. Opening acts; Skintight.
  • 11.00 p.m. Verbena with the ARIZONA orchestra in Plaza Maior.
  • 11.00 p.m. GRANDE AMORE concert in Santa María square.
  • 00.30 h. Performance by the TROUPE FESTICULTORS around the historical site.

SUNDAY 8 october

  • 10.00 a.m. II Traditional Lugo Pottery Fair (FOLT) in Santo Domingo Square (in front of Praza de Abastos) until 9:00 p.m.
  • 11.00 a.m. San Froilán Tecedeiro in Rosalía de Castro park. Artisan exhibition and construction workshop of various artistic pieces with native materials, in which all those who wish can participate (From 11am to 1.30pm).
  • 11.00 a.m. Antiques and collectibles fair in Rua da Raíña. all day
  • 11.00 a.m. XXX Honey Fair. Until 8:00 p.m. in the square of Solitude. Official Galician honey tasting at 1:00 p.m. Soap and cosmetics making workshop with honey at 4:00 p.m.
  • 11.00 a.m. 51st Edition of the Parade of the Galician costume in Praza Maior.
  • 11.30 a.m. XXIV Show of Traditional Galician Music on Sunday of the Young Women, with the Association of Gaiteir@s Galeg@s, in the historical area.
  • From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Participating: Rebulir Cultura Tradicional, Souto Xímaro, Río de Anxo, Os Faiscas de Solobeira, Abertal, Tumba e Dalle, Charanga Traspés, Traspés dance group, Traspés tambourines and tambourines, Par de Par, Os Mecos de Ogrobe, Axeigo.
  • 12.00 p.m. The Pelúdez among us for the historic site.
  • 12.00 p.m. Floral offering to Rosalía de Castro by Melania Cruz in Rosalía de Castro Park.
  • 12:30 p.m. Passarrúas of A Volta do Agro through the Ponte District.
  • 12:30 p.m. Pasarrúas de Airiños de Orbazai along Avda Adolfo Suárez and Sagrado Corazón.
  • 12:30 p.m. Passarrúas de Xílgaros de Lugo through Milagrosa square and Camiño Real, Mallorca and avda streets. from A Coruña
  • 1:00 p.m. Concert by MULLER (Noelia Geada+David Taboada) in the Mosqueira square.
  • 1:00 p.m. THE MAGICAL SAN FROILÁN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: in Castiñeiro square.
  • 5.00 p.m. San Froilán Tecedeiro in Rosalía de Castro park. Artisan exhibition and construction workshop of various artistic pieces with indigenous materials, in which all those who wish can participate (From 17:00 to 20:00).
  • 5:30 p.m. The Pelúdez in the San Froilán cemetery. Guided tour of the cemetery by Os Pelúdez.
  • 6:00 p.m. THE MAGICAL SAN FROILÁN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD in Castiñeiro square. Passes at 18, 19.30 and 21h.
  • 6:00 p.m. BOUBA PANDERETEIRAS and TANTO NOS TEN concerts in Santa María square.
  • 8.00 p.m. VRÁSICA concert at Plaza de la Mosqueira.
  • 9.00 p.m. ENREDADAS Concert Coplas, jotas and alalás: MARTIRIO * UXÍA * CARMEN PARÍS * A PEDREIRA in Santa María square.
  • 10.00 p.m. BAIUCA concert in Horta do Seminario. At 9 p.m. Opening acts; Hänselus.

MONDAY 9 october

  • 12.00 p.m. VII Culture and tradition on the Camino by Traxandaina. Demonstrations of; Luteria, Percussion workshops, wind chimes and bagpipes. From 12pm to 8pm at the O Vello Cárcere Cultural Center.
  • 12.00 p.m. Passarrúas de Cántigas and Frores through the streets Progreso, Raíña, San Marcos, Ferrol Square, Campo Castelo, San Pedro and Mártires de Carral.
  • 5.00 p.m. FROILÁN AND THE WOLF Puppet show for family audiences by Mircromina puppets in Praza da Soidade.
  • 5:30 p.m. Verbena with the STEREO orchestra in Plaza Maior.
  • 19.00 h. "EPHEMARY ARCHITECTURES OF SAN FROILÁN" Letra das Festas 2023 (the oral magazine of San Froilán), memory of the ephemeral landscape of the fair: carousels, little theaters, attractions, cabinets, offices and tunnels of hell, in the Cultural Center Vello Cárcere. Organized by the oral tradition literature section of the AELG.
  • 8.00 p.m. THE REVELATORS concert. in Mosqueira square.
  • 8.00 p.m. Passarrúas de Arrincadeira Folk through the historical precinct, rue Nova, wine area and Tinería.
  • 9.00 p.m. LUAR NA LUBRE Concert; XX – Crossroads in Santa María square. At 8 p.m. Opening acts: Anossaevossa.

TUESDAY 10 october

  • 12.00 p.m. VII Culture and tradition on the Camino by Traxandaina. Demonstrations of; Pumpkin carving, San Cosmeiros making and hat making. From 12pm to 8pm at the O Vello Cárcere Cultural Center.
  • 5.00 p.m. HORTENORQUESTA Male-orchestra musical show for the whole family in Plaza Maior.
  • 19.00 h. Presentation of number 20 of the San Froilán dos Devanceiros Collection: "The pyrotechnic shows at the festivities of San Froilán de Lugo" by Fernando Arribas, at the Vello Cárcere Cultural Center.
  • 8.00 p.m. MILESIOS concert in Mosqueira square.
  • 8.00 p.m. Passarrúas de Caivanca by the round of Fontiñas and Montirón.
  • 8:30 p.m. Passarrúas of Estoupacaldeiros through the square of Aguas Férreas, Estrada da Granxa, Campos Novos, Alfonso X and Acea de Olga.
  • 9.00 p.m. ISRAEL FERNÁNDEZ concert in Santa María square. At 8 p.m. Opening acts: Physical Graffiti.

WEDNESDAY 11 october

  • 12.00 p.m. VII Culture and tradition on the Camino by Traxandaina. Demonstrations of; spun, stitched and embroidered in the air. From 12pm to 8pm at the O Vello Cárcere Cultural Center.
  • 11.30 a.m. Pasarrúas de Foliada de Bosende along Quiroga Ballesteros Street, Municipal Market, Praza de Abastos and Praza Santo Domingo.
  • 5.00 p.m. SIDULFO E O DIAÑO Guiñol show for family audiences by TRÉCOLA PRODUCIÓNS in Praza Maior (in front of the Town Hall).
  • 5.00 p.m. HIP HOP SPACE in Mosqueira square. From 5pm to 2am with the performances of; DENOM, SAMUEL SLZR, EIVY J + ZAIDBREAK Featuring local artists; Diego, Xosé Maceda and Ünder, Rooster battles, caricatures, dancing with Stardance and graffiti with Trecetrazos.
  • 19.00 h. Passarrúas de Nubeiro along Calle Quiroga Ballesteros, Plaza Santo Domingo, Calle Doutor Castro, Plaza Maior and Calle Bispo Aguirre.
  • 8:30 p.m. Giants and big heads + BLOCO MEIGALLO in Plaza Maior.
  • 9.00 p.m. PONGO concert in Santa María square. At 8 p.m. Opening acts: Branca Villares and Pablo Pintor with Consonant Project; Sing, my partner.
  • 9:30 p.m. Performance of the LOUBAND charanga in the historical area, wine area and Tineria.
  • 10.00 p.m. LA M.O.D.A concert at Horta do Seminario. At 9 p.m. Opening acts: Trinitá.
  • 11.00 p.m. VIVA BELGRADO concert in Santa María square.
  • 11.00 p.m. Verbena with the COSTA DORADA orchestra in Plaza Maior.
  • 00.30 h. THE DUENDENETA in the square of Solitude.

THURSDAY 12 october

  • 11.00 a.m. Antiques and collectibles fair in Rua da Raíña. all day
  • 11.00 a.m. Inauguration of the "Back to the Middle Ages" next to the Cathedral of Santa Maria. Medieval Fair organized by the Association of former students of the Ramón Falcón School of Art and Design. Musical performances, parades, games and more until 10 p.m.
  • 12.00 p.m. II Festival of traditional culture of San Froilán Miúdo with the performances of; Cántigas and Frores, Saíñas and A Ponte Vella in the Mosqueira square.
  • 12.00 p.m. III SALTAR NA RÚA organized by Lucus Caixa Rural in Ramón Ferreiro Street.
  • 12:30 p.m. 2nd Meeting of bands: Philharmonic Band of Lugo + Municipal Band of Celanova in Santa María square.
  • 12:30 p.m. "The Strange Case of the Brasov Street Dentist" Itinerant theater show for family audiences from Troula. Route; exit from San Froilán often on Avda Alcalde Anxo López Pérez, Bispo Aguirre, Praza Maior and Campo Castelo.
  • 1:00 p.m. Passarrúas of Os Trastiños do Castelo along Quiroga Ballesteros street, Soidade square, Tinería, Miño street, Campo square and wine area.
  • 1:00 p.m. THE MAGICAL SAN FROILÁN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: in Aguas Férreas square.
  • 1:00 p.m. Passarrúas of Foliada de Bosende through Recatelo, Puro Cora, Vila de Foz and fair grounds.
  • 1:00 p.m. "The blind on the Camino" Meeting of medieval romancers, blind and Lazarillos procnatives of all Galicia; Tundal Group, Tino Baz, Carlos do Viso, Tradescola Group, Luis Caruncho and Chus Iglesias. In Calle San Pedro, Bo Jesus, Praza Maior, Praza do Campo and Praza Pío XII.
  • 1:00 p.m. Giants and heads + TAMBUKDA in Plaza Maior.
  • 1:30 p.m. Vermú session A DUENDENETA, side Town Hall/ square Anxo Fernández Gómez.
  • 5:30 p.m. "The Strange Case of the Brasov Street Dentist" Itinerant theater show for family audiences from Troula. Route; exit from San Froilán often on Avda Alcalde Anxo López Pérez, Bispo Aguirre, Praza Maior and Campo Castelo.
  • 6:00 p.m. A VOLTA DO AGRO performance in Soidade square.
  • 6:00 p.m. THE MAGICAL SAN FROILÁN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD in Aguas Férreas square. Passes at 18, 19.30 and 21h.
  • 6:30 p.m. Passarrúas of Reviravolta along Calle Nova, Quiroga Ballesteros, Praza da Soidade, Tinería, Calle do Miño, and the wine area.
  • 19.00 h. "THE BLIND ON THE WAY" Meeting of medieval romancers, blind and Lazarillos from all over Galicia; Tundal Group, Tino Baz, Carlos do Viso, Tradescola Group. In Calle San Pedro, Praza Maior, Praza do Campo and Bo Jesus.
  • 7:30 p.m. Passarrúas of Son de Lugh through the historic site, wine area.
  • 8.00 p.m. "SAN FROILÁN SORRÍ. The comedy corner" Theater show with the monologues of; Danny Boy + Oswaldo Digon + David Perdomo in Mosqueira square.
  • 9.00 p.m. BALKAN PARADISE ORCHESTRA concert in Santa María square.
  • 10.00 p.m. RAYDEN concert at Horta do Seminario. At 9 p.m. Opening acts: Ringdown.
  • 10:30 p.m. VII MISS DEUSA Contest. Organized by the ALAS Collective in the Mosqueira square.
  • 11.00 p.m. TERRAE concert in Santa María square.

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