Program of Denia Major Festivities
Year 2023
It celebrates: From 8th July to 16th July
Place: Dénia (Alicante)
In honor of the Holy Blood, the central axis of the festival is the 'Bous a la mar' (bulls to the sea), declared of National Tourist Interest. Additionally, it features an appealing program including concerts, sports competitions, parades of floats, and fireworks...

More information:
Friday July 7
- 5:30 p.m. Santíssima Sang Escala i Corda Tournament. 1st semifinal. Trinquet El Rovellet. Organized by: Dénia Valencian Pilota Club.
- 10 p.m. Intergenerational Song Festival 2023. La Vía Street.
Saturday July 8
- 07 a.m. City of Dénia Trophy of height trolling. Organized by: Real Club Náutico Dénia.
- 08 a.m. Autonomous sea kayak championship. Organized by: Real Club Náutico Dénia.
- 11 a.m. Beginning of the Major Festival. Parade with distribution of books by the Quintà 2005 and the Fiestas Commission. Concentration in Plaza de la Constitució.
- 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Music and animation to receive the chupinazo, with Sergio Dénia. Roundabout of the Valencian Country.
- 1 p.m. Great start of the Festa Major. Music and animation by Sergio Dénia. Roundabout of the Valencian Country.
- 5:30 p.m. La quintà 2005 and the Fiestas Commission will tour the streets enlivening the preparations for the entrance of the bulls.
- 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Glorieta Fest 2023 Animation with Sergio Dénia and performances by Juntos y Revueltos. Roundabout of the Valencian Country.
- 7 p.m. 1st entrance of bulls, from Marqués de Campo street to the bullring of the port. Then bous a la mar (*F.I.T.N.). La Paloma Livestock.
- 8 p.m. Children's show. Ferdinand, the bull, by Pàmpol Teatre. Valgamedios Square. Collaborates: Provincial Council of Alicante.
- 11 p.m. Trash show, by Yllana. La Via street.
Sunday July 9
- 10 a.m. Skeet shooting Trofeu Santíssima Sang. Organized by: Club de caça i tir El Montgó. Shooting range Les Planes Dénia.
- 10 a.m. Popular lunch: sardines and beer, offered by the Comissió de Festes de la Mare de Déu dels Desemparats. Lonja parking.
- 1 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Livestock El Cova.
- 5:30 p.m. Santíssima Sang Escala i Corda Tournament. 2nd semi-final. Trinquet El Rovellet. Organized by: Dénia Valencian Pilota Club.
- 7 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Benavent Livestock.
- 7:30 p.m. Parade of the XXVIII Aplec de Danses de Dénia. From the Plaza del Convent to the País Valencià roundabout, along Marqués de Campo street.
- 8 p.m. XXVIII Aplec de Danses de Dénia. Dianium Dansa i Grup de Dansa L'Alcúdia. Roundabout of the Valencian Country.
- 8 p.m. Children's show. Musical The Jungle Book. La Via street.
- 11 p.m. Show Hollywood, the musical. La Via street.
- 11 p.m. Concert by Tesa and Jonatan Penalba, Rap d'Arrel. Council Square.
Monday July 10
- 1 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Livestock El Cova.
- 5:30 p.m. The peñas and the quintà 2005 will tour the streets enlivening the preparations for the entrance of the bulls.
- 7 p.m. Bull entrance. From Marqués de Campo street to the bullring, along the esplanade of the port. Then bous to the sea. La Paloma Livestock.
- 8 p.m. Children's show. The Bocanegra band, by Estranya Cía Teatre. Valgamedios Square.
- 11 p.m. Dance performance. Babylon Dance School, by Mayte Ortolá. La Via street.
- 11 p.m. Feeling Good Bublé tribute, with Luis Manuel Gil and musicians from the Marina Big Band. Council Square.
Tuesday July 11
- 10.30 a.m. Concentration of the Fallera Local Board and the Fallas commissions in Marqués de Campo street to celebrate the cucañas of the Fallas commissions.
- 12 noon Valencian paella cooking exhibition by the Fallas commissions. Marqués de Campo street. Collaborates: Dénia Town Hall.
- 1 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Minguez Livestock.
- 2 p.m. Solidarity trust fund for the benefit of ADAHMA Associació ADHD Marina Alta. Donation: €5 (portion + drink). Marqués de Campo street. Organized by: Dénia Fallera Local Board.
- 7 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Benavent Livestock.
- 8 p.m. Senior Futsal Champions Trophy. Pavilion of the municipal sports center. Organized by: ACYDMA.
- 8 p.m. Children's show. Sonata Circus, by La Troupe Malabó. Valgamedios Square.
- 8:30 p.m. Parade of the Fallera Local Board, charges of the commissions and the Musical Artistic Association of Dénia, from Plaza de la Constitució to La Vía street.
- 9 p.m. Act of appointment of the fallas charges for the 2023-2024 financial year. La Vía Street. Organized by: Fallera Local Board.
- 11 p.m. Monologue Escozía, with Txabi Franquesa. Council Square.
- 12:30 p.m. Correfoc Infernum. Dimonis Polopins. Marqués de Campo street. Concentration at the end of Marqués de Campo.
Wednesday July 12
- 9:15 a.m. XLV Santíssima Sang Cycling Trophy. Itinerary: Marqués de Campo, Temple of Sant Telm, Colón, Calderón, Vicent Andrés Estellés and Marqués de Campo. Organized by: Dénia Cycling Club.
- 12 noon Mass in honor of the Holy Sang. Church of the Assumption.
- 1 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Benavent Livestock.
- 7 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Minguez Livestock.
- 8 p.m. Children's show. In the light of the lyric. Valgamedios Square. Collaborates: Provincial Council of Alicante.
- 8:30 p.m. Procession in honor of the Santíssima Sang. Route: Itinerary: Calle La Mar, Diana, Colon, San José, Pare Pere, Valgamediós and Loreto. Organized by: Brotherhood of the Santíssima Sang.
- 11 p.m. Concert of the Santíssima Sang, with the Musical Artistic Association of Dénia. Limele La Vía
- 11 p.m. Flamingo night. Jubilee. The Yiyo & the Troupe of him. Council Square.
Thursday July 13
- 1 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Minguez Livestock.
- 6 p.m. Children's bullfighting show and snack. Port. Organized by: Peña Més que bous.
- 7 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Livestock El Cova.
- 8 p.m. Children's show. Maximum Optimum. Valgamedios Square.
- 8 p.m. Senior 11 Soccer Champions Trophy. El Rodat municipal field. Organized by: ACYDMA.
- 9 p.m. Night for our elders. Distribution of cokes and drinks. Music with Toni Catalá, singer of Los Bradmis. La Via street.
- 11 p.m. Andrea Motis concert. Loopholes tour. Council Square.
- 00 a.m. Discomobile with DJ Brenda Serna. Torrecremada esplanade.
Friday, July 14
- 1 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Benavent Livestock.
- 5:30 p.m. La quintà 2005, together with the peñas, will tour the streets livening up the preparations for the entrance of the bulls.
- 7 p.m. Bull entrance. From Marqués de Campo street to the bullring, along the esplanade of the port. Then bous to the sea. La Paloma Livestock.
- 8 p.m. Children's show. The magomic show, by Gromic. Valgamedios Square.
- 9:30 p.m. Moors and Christians festive entrance on Marqués de Campo street. Organized by: Federation of Moors and Christians of Dénia.
- 11 p.m. Macaque concert. Turn Blow my heart away. La Via street.
- 00 a.m. Discomobile Bacarrá on Tour. Torrecremada esplanade.
Saturday July 15
- 10 a.m. at 00 a.m. Pool tournament in honor of the Santíssima Sang. Dénia Pool Club Headquarters and
the High Marina. Organized by: Dénia Pool Club and the Marina Alta. - 1 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Livestock El Cova.
- 7 p.m. Parade of floats and comparsas with the participation of the Fallas commissions, festive entities and the Fallera Local Board. Festival of Provincial Tourist Interest. Itinerary: Marqués de Campo, Diana, Patricio Ferrándiz, Marqués de Campo. Organized by: Fallera Local Board. Collaborates: Department of Fiestas.
- 00 a.m. Performance by the Tokyo Band orchestra. La Via street.
- 00 a.m. Mobile disco with Dj Miguel Piera and Iván Reig. Torrecremada esplanade.
Sunday July 16
- 1 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Livestock Minguez
- 5:30 p.m. Santíssima Sang Escala i Corda Tournament. Final. Trinquet El Rovellet. Organized by: Dénia Valencian Pilota Club.
- 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Jugant amb la diversitat children's party, with the performance of the batucada Mon Bloc. Marqués de Campo street.
- 7 p.m. Bous to the sea. Port. Benavent Livestock.
- 8 p.m. family show. El Pot Petit in concert-tour 2023. Calle La Vía.
- 10 p.m. (approx.) Resplandor pyrotechnic show, by the Vulcano pyrotechnics. Torrecremada esplanade.
*F.I.T.N.: Festival of National Tourist Interest since 1993.
The Department of Fiestas reserves the right to modify events and schedules due to unforeseeable circumstances.