Program of Sitges Carnival
Year 2023
It celebrates: From 27th February to 5th March
Place: Sitges (Barcelona)
Starting on Maundy Thursday with the arrival of His Majesty Carnival and the proclamation of local highlights. The highlight is the "Desmadre" and "Exterminio" parades on Carnival Sunday and Shrove Tuesday night, respectively. Apart from many other activities, the election of the Carnival Queen takes place.

More information:
Sitges Carnival 2023 Programme
Sitges Carnival 2023 Parades Programme
- Procession of His Majesty Carnestoltes I and his entourage after the Arrival at 7 p.m. on 16 February.
- Rúa d'Antes from Cap de la Vila to Plaça de la Fragata from 7 p.m. on 17 February.
- Sitges Carnival children's parade from Avinguda Sofia to Cap de la Vila from 12 noon on 19 February.
- Sitges Disbauxa parade from Avinguda Sofia to Cap de la Vila from 7.30 p.m. on 19 February.
- Rúa del Extermini de Sitges from Avinguda Sofia to Cap de la Vila from 21:00 h on 21 February.
Sitges Carnival 2023 activities prior to 16 February
Highlights of the Sitges Carnival 2023 activities that will take place prior to the celebration of Maundy Thursday:
- 11 February at 12 noon: Children's party: group mini-disco at the Palau del Rei Moro. At 6 p.m. the Children's Queen of Sitges Carnival 2023 will be presented.
- 12 February at 11 a.m.: 26th edition of the master xatonaires competition in the Prado Gardens.
- 12 February at 7 p.m.: Drag Queen 2023 Gala at La Fragata.
Sitges Carnival 2023 activities between 16 and 22 February
Some of the most important activities, apart from the famous rúas, of the Sitges Carnival 2023 to be held between Maundy Thursday and Ash Wednesday:
- 16 February at 7 pm: Arrival of His Majesty Carnestoltes I, presentation of the Sitges Carnival Queen 2023 and predicot.
- 16th February at 21:30 h: Popular Xatonada by the Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges at the Palau del Rei Moro.
- 17 February at 9 a.m.: H. M. Carnestoltes and the Carnival Queen of Sitges 2023 visit the town's schools.
- 18 February at 11 a.m.: Costumed Camas race through the centre of Sitges, finishing at Passeig de la Ribera.
- 19 February from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.: Disbauxa Party organised by the Casino Prado.
- 20 February from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.: S. M. Quitxalla Fest, a children's party with performances and a popular chocolate party.
- 21 February from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.: Extermini Party, also organised by the Casino Prado.
- 22nd February from 18:30 h: Burial of H. M. Carnestoltes and his subsequent burial. At 9 p.m., closing dinner at El Retiro after the arrival of Mrs. Lent.