The Bajada del Ángel and Holy Week in Tudela

The Bajada del Ángel and Holy Week in Tudela
It celebrates: From 28th March to 31st March
Place: Tudela (Navarra)
Category: Religious
Popularity: (****) 4/5
Ideal for children
Organize: Tudela City Council
Known start date: The Bajada del Ángel has been celebrated in Tudela since the 13th century, although it is believed that the tradition could be even older.
Figure of protection: Festival of National Tourist Interest
Liturgical ActsNational Tourist InterestProcessionsHoly Week
Reading time: a minute

This celebration takes place during Holy Week, to be exact, on Easter Sunday. The main feature of the celebration is the "descent" of an angel from the tower of the church of Santa Maria, who is suspended in the air thanks to a system of pulleys and ropes.

When the angel reaches the ground, a theatrical performance begins in which biblical characters such as the Virgin Mary, Saint John, and the resurrected Jesus participate. The performance culminates with the singing of the "Gloria" by the choir and attendees of the celebration.

The reason why this festival is so characteristic and popular in Tudela is due to its antiquity and the strong religious tradition of the city. The festival has been celebrated since the 13th century and has been maintained over time as an expression of the devotion of the people of Tudela for Holy Week and for the figure of the angel.

Furthermore, this festival is an important tourist attraction for Tudela and the Navarra region, and attracts thousands of visitors each year who wish to witness this unique religious and cultural celebration.

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